St James’ and St Michael’s reflect the diversity of where we live in South East London.
Our global representation includes Africa, the Caribbean, South America, Asia, as well as the UK. Ages range from a few weeks to 80+ and this includes everything from large family groups, to single parent families, couples, single adults and students.
We have always made the most of this cultural mix to enjoy some memorable worship and social events, which invariably include a great deal of exotic and traditional food, music and good fellowship. Celebration forms a big part of our church life.
We see ourselves as an extended family with a tradition of prayer and practical care. We pray for each other regularly and offer support where we can by accompanying others to hospital or doctor’s appointments, shopping, lifts, invitations to meals, and childcare.
Prayer, worship and service
are at the centre of who we are and what we do
Our Values
We are an all-age, multicultural family which encourages everyone to contribute to ‘making church happen’ in a meaningful way
We support each other in prayer and offer practical support
We serve the community by:
Giving care and support to our church school, St James Hatcham CE Primary
Offering our facilities to community projects
Running an after-school club at St Michael’s
Maintaining a good relationship with our close neighbour, Goldsmiths College
Keeping in touch with our community library, New Cross Learning
Providing a quiet side chapel where everyone can come to pray
Creating a memorial garden in the shadow of the original church building which not only provides a resting place for the ashes of much-loved members of the congregation but also offers a beautiful green space for quiet contemplation
Being part of the Deptford Anglican Deanery
About Us by Darnell
“I’m inviting you to come and meet us at St James’ and St Michael’s because…
It is a place where you feel closer to God”