Bishop Karowei of Woolwich
visits St Michael’s

On 9 January Bishop Karowei celebrated our first communion of 2022 at a joint service at St Michael’s. He commended everyone for the way they have nurtured our two churches since our vacancy began in May 2019.

He acknowledged that God has blessed our efforts and told us we were an example of lay leadership at its best. We continue to pray that in His perfect timing God will call the right person to be our next vicar.

Best Carol Service Ever!

On 19 December we handed over our carol service to our children and young people. Without any interference from the adults, apart from telling our organist which carols to play, they organised everything with great maturity and aplomb. We were told at the start that it would be ‘the best service ever’ and we were not disappointed!

We were joined by Rev Will Cookson, Dean of Fresh Expressions and Pioneering Ministries, who brought greetings from Bishop Christopher of Southwark. He was very impressed with everyone involved and prayed for them.


Our church families at St Michael’s, St James’ and St Andrew’s URC Brockley gathered on Sunday for a warm and spirit-filled service to celebrate St Michael’s Patronal Festival and the formation in 1975 of our Local Ecumenical Partnership. The service was led by Rev John Grundy, minister at St Michael’s and St Andrew’s. It was a joy to share communion and to gather afterwards for food and fellowship.

St James’ Patronal Festival BBQ
25 July ‘21
Rain didn’t stop play!

We were delighted to welcome Fr Grant Bolton-Debbage from All Saints New Cross Road to celebrate communion with us at our Patronal Festival. Our two church families came together at St James’ and it was great to see several members returning for the first time since lockdown.

Fr Grant’s sermon was full of encouragement for the future and we felt blessed by his words.

In spite of occasional drizzle, the BBQ was a joyous affair and we were pleased to have as our guests several of the clergy from the deanery who have supported us during our vacancy. One comment we received afterwards said that “This is a diverse congregation who are really welcoming. I could feel the love of Christ in action here right from the time we entered the Church, even from the children.”

We thank God for all the volunteers who organised the event, especially the stalwart few at the end who had to take down the gazebos when the heavens finally opened and the rain poured down!

Annual Parochial Church Meeting

In line with many churches we had to postpone our APCM due to the Covid-19 Lockdown. The meeting took place on Sunday 23 August as part of a joint service at St James’. As well as the usual business and team appointments, we considered and prayed about last year’s achievements and challenges; and the promise of the year ahead. We give thanks to God for people’s ongoing willingness to support our two churches and to embrace with joy whatever His plans are for our parish community.

After the meeting some of us stayed for a picnic in the church garden. It was lovely to be able to socialize again, though to maintain social distancing guidelines we had brought our own food and drink.

I’m inviting you to meet us at St James ...

“To share the glory of God and praise His mighty name”
— Helen

During Covid 19 lockdown 2020 our newsletters were circulated online and included a brief sermon

19 July 2020
12 July 2020

5 July 2020
21 June 2020
28 June 2020
14 June 2020

7 June 2020
31 May 2020
24 May 2020
17 May 2020
10 May 2020
3 May 2020
26 April 2020
19 April 2020
12 April 2020
5 April 2020

Reflections can be viewed in Learning Together


Prayer by Darnell